The world famous MOBIL trademark belongs to the world's largest oil corporation ExxonMobil. The corporation was formed in 1998 as a result of the merger of the leading oil companies Exxon and Mobil. ExxonMobil Lubricants and Specialties is the business unit that manufactures and markets base oils and finished products. All Mobil oils can be divided into two broad classes: automotive and industrial. Both are produced using advanced technologies based on synthetic and mineral base oils with the addition of effective additives. Thanks to innovative technical solutions, MOBIL has become one of the world leaders in the development and production of modern technological products. Mobil's unique premium synthetic lubricant provides superior performance in extreme conditions, significantly facilitating engine cold starts, providing reliable lubrication at high temperatures and reducing friction wear. Today Mobil is a leader in synthetic lubricants. The company has more than 500 thousand customers in 194 countries of the world and offers more than 2 thousand types of lubricants for all industries and road transport. The company's products exceed the most stringent requirements of manufacturers of internal combustion engines and fully comply with international quality standards. MOBIL has been supplied to Russia since the beginning of the 90s of the last century